Metal Halide Bulbs: HID, (High Intensity Discharge bulbs) are extremely bright and have an impressive lumen output.
They are utilized mostly for commercial, warehouse, parking lot, gas canopies, and even automobile lighting. As compared to halogens, all HID bulbs typically are not energy efficient since their primary objective is to illuminate areas as much and safe as possible.
Typically the lumens output ranges between 5000-27000
They are available in different kelvin temperatures to meet the area's standards along with the availability of selecting different types of HID's which include Mercury vapor bulbs, High pressure sodium bulbs, low pressure sodium bulbs, and metal halide bulbs.

We are your source for every lightbulb!

CDM (Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide) PAR bulbs are ideal bulbs that are mainly used for small fixtures that require high lumens output. These bulbs are typically used in commercial and some residential locations.
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Bi-pin Metal Halide bulbs are much smaller in size but, its high intensity light discharge are mainly used for applications or fixtures that have limited space and require lots of light output.
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These "Basic" HID bulbs have and continue to be extremely effective in terms of light output for residential, commercial, and landscape areas. Wattages and voltages vary depending on type of fixture and ballast.
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MVR (Mercury Vapor) bulbs are H.I.D's that provide a great amount of light output which resembles that of a metal halide. Their coating and the combination of gas emits a "moon light" appearance for certain applications. Ideal for commercial and residential areas.
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HPS (High Pressure Sodium) Bulbs range between 50 up to 1000 watts and come in many different sizes for all sorts of applications. Select from small to large bases. Ideal for outdoor and landscaping areas.
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We sell Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium ballast, capacitors and ignitors!!
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Tel. 713-977-0022
Fax. 713-977-0023
3355 Fondren Road,
Houston Texas, 77063
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 6:00
Saturday: 9:30 - 6:00
Sunday: Gone Fishing